Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Anti-Drinking poster- work in progress

Working on a poster (for context n culture) to promote the dangers of drinking, especially binge drinking. My target audience are teenagers.

I'm taking a illustrative approach as you can see. I have to work on the colours though, so it makes the imagery more striking and powerful. 

Take care,

Sunday, 28 August 2011

too fast... !

It feels like I started the course a few days ago. Wow. It has flown so fast. But so much has happened. I have gained so much knowledge and confidence in both my work and in life overall. I have a clearer perspective of what career direction I want to go on. Moving more into illustration, but not completely leaving out photography though. I love applying imagery to photographs and adding that unique touch to a simple photograph. I have noticed  I use a lot of illustration in my work.
Mid Year evaluation really opened my eye on my work as whole. I was surprised. And the feedback and advice I got back was really encouraging and helpful. I walked out of the room with confidence and heaps of smiles. 

Take care,