Thursday, 3 November 2011


It was wonderful news when we were told that we won the Sketchbook Community Challenge! It's great to take part in such a big project that is international! And to have our sketchbooks travel to different countries and become a piece of history; archieved in the Brooklyn Library. =) Awesome!

Already started amongst all this evaluation chaos! My theme is "Fill me with stories". 

Take care,
Chacha x

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Long overdue..

(I have totally neglected this blog..D=  Ekk Apolygise!..)

As I answered my questions for my mock interview for communications a while back; I came across a question asking about artist/designers I get inspired from. That's when I stumbled across this talented freelance illustrator, Charlene Chua. I love her style of work, I guess mostly because of the process she goes through. It's really interesting.

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Anti-Drinking poster- work in progress

Working on a poster (for context n culture) to promote the dangers of drinking, especially binge drinking. My target audience are teenagers.

I'm taking a illustrative approach as you can see. I have to work on the colours though, so it makes the imagery more striking and powerful. 

Take care,

Sunday, 28 August 2011

too fast... !

It feels like I started the course a few days ago. Wow. It has flown so fast. But so much has happened. I have gained so much knowledge and confidence in both my work and in life overall. I have a clearer perspective of what career direction I want to go on. Moving more into illustration, but not completely leaving out photography though. I love applying imagery to photographs and adding that unique touch to a simple photograph. I have noticed  I use a lot of illustration in my work.
Mid Year evaluation really opened my eye on my work as whole. I was surprised. And the feedback and advice I got back was really encouraging and helpful. I walked out of the room with confidence and heaps of smiles. 

Take care,

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Discovery and inspiration (2)

I was watching episodes of 'Art Nation'on 'iView' when I came across another interesting photographer.  From Sydney, Louise Hawson did a blog for a year posting gorgeous yet simple photographs of 52 suburbs.

She talks about how she had a low expectation on what she'll find, but in the end was amazed at the vast diversity and beauty the city has to offer. Through her photographs, she wanted to portray a optimistic projection of Sydney. And that theres more to Sydney than the tourist cliche.

I love how she has kept it simple. I love how she pairs photos together (as shown on the poster) which has some kind of relationship between the two. Whether its colour, shape etc. Its such a effective and nice approach to display the photographs.

Her photos were later published into a book and in an exhibition.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Seeing sparkles

I took these photos a while back. I just fell in love with the colours and the sun just making it sparkle.
 So pretty.  =P

Take care,

Saturday, 4 June 2011


Half the year already gone. I  have gained/learned so much in the last few months. Been great. =)

Take care,

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Be spontaneous!

.. I'm very good at that, for sure xP
Take care,

Monday, 25 April 2011

cut out

I was bored .. xP
Can't wait till classes start. The holidays have been so boring!

Take care,

Thursday, 21 April 2011

what I adore (1)

1. I love blue! 2.&3.I just love being spontaneous xP and art!
4.I love finding cute,unique shops that are so inspiring and lovely!
  5. TEA! <3 6. I seriously live to eat .. MMM!
7.  Enid Blyton - the only books I actual manage to read without falling asleep xD
8.Miss being a kid!

Take Care,

Monday, 18 April 2011

pen art

self explainatory. Sighs... I want a tattoo!!

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Discovery and inspiration (1)

Just watched 'Art Nation' on ABC1 and learned of Bruno Benini, a famous and iconic Australian fashion photographer that I've never heard of before. Having a great love for photography, this was most interesting to watch. I have great respect and love for photographers in the past century. Not that photographers before or now are not good, but something about that era I just adore. Work of that time really inspire me and I love how the work of photographers; such as Benini, really reflect their background in their work.

(photo taken while he traveled to Italy)
Image source-

There was another interesting segment  that talked about street photography and blogging. 
But I must say, I would never have the courage to walk up to some random person asking if I can photograph them ... It would be far too awkward. Unless of course I know the person. xP

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Extension work 2- postcard

I really like how it turned out. Scary much! xP 
Damn this bad weather .. really want to go there again ... =( 
... BOO!  ;P

Saturday, 9 April 2011

One down.. three more to go..

First... YAYYY HOLIDAYS! xP  yes..
Last week was pretty busy; interm interviews, finishing workbriefs and making sure work is submitted. The interview went very well. Last Friday we went to St Kilda. It was such a lovely day. So much to see, and eat xD
Never do I want to taste another coffee cake. That was one load of sugar and richness I couldn't bear.
O_O scared...
I <3 St Kilda